



Arama was once a soldier in the army of Krystan, where his combination of prowess, skill and savagery allowed him to quickly rise in the ranks, ultimately becoming a member of the High Guard, along with his long-time friend and fellow soldier, Arin.

As a member of the High Guard, Arama was exposed to the darker side of politics and became disillusioned. He could no longer serve those who he felt lacked integrity. He secured a discharge and now keeps his purse filled working as an armed escort, bodyguard, or mercenary.


Character Statistics - Llori


Llori was born and raised in Meldennia, an all-female kingdom of scholars, healers, and artisans. Her chosen field of study is the healing arts, where she has demonstrated great aptitude and instinct.

While well educated, she has been largely sheltered her whole life and is curious about the world beyond Meldennia. She is torn between her curious longing for adventure and fulfilling her role as a proper Meldennian.

Arin The Axemaster

Character Statistics - Arin the Axemaster






Arin was orphaned as a child during a raid on his village. He was raised in a monastery that was known not only for its strict religious practices, but also for the martial skill of the monks. His aptitude for the fighting arts was recognized early on and he received special training in all forms of unarmed and armed combat, eventually specializing in, and becoming a master of axes. He excels at combat with all types of axes, including throwing.

Upon reaching adulthood, he decided the monks’ path was not for him and left the monastery. Arin joined the army of Krystan, and rose to a position on the High Guard. Arin has a passion for the finer things in life that his position affords him and does not agree with Arama’s reasons for leaving the guard.